Thursday, July 30, 2009


What’s fighting?
Well, fighting only causes more fights which creates a bad influence on younger viewers who follow their example.

In my opinion I think it’s to prove they are stronger than others or to prove that they can push others around. Fighting to them is to attract attention and to prove that fights are cool.

Well they not! So think to yourself - will fighting really solve my problems or will I cause more chaos?

So fighting won’t solve problems, whats the use of fighting when you’re going to get in trouble? Are you trying to act tough in front of your friends so you can join in the group?

But why is fighting so entertaining?

I think its because people who cheer on the fight record this on their phones and take it to show to friends and then stick it on to You Tube to show to the whole world, which can spread real fast like a virus. Then once others view it they will think it will be cool to fight.

How would you like it if you got smashed and got posted on You Tube?
Would you like to be recorded onto You Tube?

Well you wouldn’t, would you? Because if you saw yourself on You Tube, you would you want to delete it?

Well you couldn’t because there is one reason… Once you stick it on You Tube you can’t go back! It is like a virus that can’t be cured.

So keep these questions in mind
Will fighting really solve my problems?
Would you like it if you got put on You Tube?
Does fighting ever solve problems and chaos.

My opinion is that fighting won’t solve problems but discussing it in a gentle manner will be helpful. So why fight when you can just talk about it?
By Niome, Weymouth Intermediate


  1. Kia Ora Niome

    Modern technology can be used to crate many opportunities. I agree with you when you say 'once something is put on you tube it is there to stay'.

    Your written language is something for us all to think about.

    Thanks for sharing.

    Matua Dudley Adams

  2. this blog is a really great idea!! =D

  3. Maika-
    Was very informative and a great idea to tell us about Walt Disney. You should write more biographies for us to share and enjoy!
    ramarama school

  4. Hi Niome

    I think youre right fighting is a leathel voilent matter and people dont take it sererosly

    Jayden,Ramarama School

  5. Nei Hao it is a really cool peice of writing well done Niome!! Zane Ramarama School:]

  6. Hi Niome

    You raise some interesting points in your article. We need to take time to think about our actions especially living in a digital world.


  7. Hi Niome,

    You are right about it, my friend is the same way.
    She trying to act all cool in front of her new friends and is hurting other peoles feelings, like my sister, and she is only doing it to get attention.

    Tayla, Ramarama School.

  8. hi niame

    You are right about fights, people only do it to look for attention and to be cool around there mates or to fit into groups. I also agree with you, if I see myself on you tube I'll want to delete it and I'll also be imbarased.

    Jennifer, Ramarama School.

  9. hi niome,
    i agree if you saw your self on you tube you would probably want to delete it i no i would. The way you wrote it made it very interesting and it just caught my eye. Fights are just things people do to make themselves self look cool, get attention and to fit into groups.

    Courteney. Ramarama school
