Wednesday, September 16, 2009

A Soldier’s Experience in World War 1

The night has faded, out comes the sun and I rise for a new day to come. My shirt is filthy. It’s rotten like a really bad sewage. My poor nose has to inhale smells of blood from dead people and animals. My nose has to inhale other soldier’s toe jams. Smoke fills the earth from bombs, vehicles, guns and other war equipment. The smells from the chemicals lying around on the streets are ready to kill.
BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! Bullets are flying from guns. It’s like the worst nightmare ever! This place is out of control. This place is dangerous, and this place can kill me. I’m hiding under the silver smoothed surfaced table, shooting other soldiers. The smoke around me generates my eyes to have bad vision and leaves me in sorrow.
So I close my eyelids for a moment and rest, then a ladies voice screams and gives me a fright. I open my eyes eager to find out what is going on. I open my eyes and find the table has been removed. I feel frightened like a little baby drowning in a pool. It’s now 12:00pm and I’ve lost control of what I’m doing. My head’s in the clouds. Screams spring from below. Prayers are heard from above.
I hear water dripping. Drip drop drip drop. I have to have a sip. I’m on my knees crawling so desperate for this water. I then find it and drink a little. Wow I feel so alive. As alive as a waterfall so activated it won’t stop pouring water. Yeah, get my gun ready then . . . Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom! I knock you down! I sing my favourite song to show how joyful I am for shooting five soldiers dead “click” just like that. Bang, bang, YEAH!
“Oh blast”, the temper of this war is rising and is getting worse. My destitute tongue can taste the mud, water and grass that are drifting everywhere. Eww, yuck, this mud tastes like spinach with marmite on it, the blood tastes like mashed mussels with the black stuff from the squid. I wish this war never existed.
I should just commit suicide right now. This is stupid. I’m angry, scared, hungry, dirty, smelly, lonely and desperate. I need to go home and take a good bath. As I said I’m tired, I’m smelly and hungry! My body shows no excitement for this event. It’s 3:00pm and my clothes are damp making it hard for me to carry. My clothes are full of muddy imprints and black deep hollows; it’s easy for me to hide because my clothing blends in with the environment. I guess this is the fashion for war. Sassy! But if my fashion stylist saw what I was wearing, my passion for fashion will be swept away in the deep blue sea.
I need to get out of here. Where’s an exit? Oh there, I run at full speed, but then trip over a stupid solid stone. WHOOPS. Now I hear laughing from a bunch of soldiers. Where is it coming from? Who’s laughing? What’s so funny? Oh no a soldier has me in his sight ready to shoot me! Oh the horror, as soon as I see the bullet flying in my direction my wonderful memories party back to me. It’s 7:00pm on the first of September 1916. I die and my body is dispirited.

Alvina Nanai Room 3, Clendon Park



By Ata-Tyla and Solomone, Clendon Park


Play dead
Egg layers
Run away fast

By Dallin and Katalina, Clendon Park


Eat lots of food
Live amongst the leaves
Rainbow colours

By Latisha and Martin, Clendon Park

Misery Island

One day many years ago, on an island in hell called misery island, five people were stuck in the Island. By the way these people’s names were John, Philip, Shanelle, Queyst and Shanya. Those five people lived in a very big cave called Mishima. Philip, the eldest was always mucking around in cave school. However John was always reading and keeping on time every time the teacher was asking him something. His name was Mr Quiversation. Shanelle got kicked out of school for swearing and for not keeping her hands to herself. And Queyst, was a very nice guy but was a Handicap. So you see the differences of the personalities of these five brothers and sisters. As years past the five brothers and sisters started to get older .As they got older they started to learn about magic. But as they started to get interested in magic a robot controlled ninja came hopping to Misery Island shaking. He hopped so fast that he hopped one more time and he landed in an excellent trap that the five brothers and sisters made in case of an emergency. “Youchhhhhh!” The ninja landed on a hedgehog and the spikes of the hedgehog sunk into the ninjas butt. Meanwhile, while the five students were learning magic they learnt a spell. Its special word was “quksilver dotius” this is a spell that could turn people into animals. Overall it was a “oh no!” Suddenly the five brothers and sisters heard a sound. “Hustle thump hustle thump hustle thump!”, “a three headed snake!” Philip shouted from the other side of the class. As he took one good glance at the three headed snake the three headed snake ate up Philip “oh no!” said Shanelle. And then when the others looked the three headed snake chomped up Shanelle, Shanya and John before they could know it. Now that left Queyst. But the problem was that he couldn’t do anything. He was cornered!!! He was surrounded by heads!!! Before he knew it he was going to be eaten!!! Suddenly, he took out his sword and cut one of the snakes head!!! Before the snake could munch him up he ran for his life and he escaped. So here Queyst was all by himself with a great story to tell to his kids. 409 years later… he has kids now his wife’s name is Stacey. His kids’ names are Abex, Richard Alex and Jibby. They are all boys. So Queyst isn’t all by himself he has a wife and kids “wait a minute where are my kids?”
Here we go again….


By Sonatane Room 11

Once upon a time

Once upon a time, there was a girl called Stephanie. Stephanie lived with her parents. Stephanie was very lucky because she was a princess. One day, Stephanie said to her parents ‘’I am going to go for a walk in the forest”.
“Alright”, said her parents in a shivering voice.
“Thank you” Stephanie said to her parents.
Off she went into the forest shivering. She had a tummy ache for 29 minutes.
“Someone help me” Stephanie said. So as she got up she tripped quickly because she didn’t wear proper shoes.
“Hey, what is that thing coming closer, closer to me? “As Stephanie came closer to Prince Derek he caught Stephanie in his arms. “Thank you and you are?”
“I’m Prince Derek”, he replied.
“What about Oh, I’m Princess Stephaney.’’
“Hey, do you want me to carry you home because you don’t look very well?”
“Sure”, Stephanie said in a quite voice.
“Alright’’ Prince Derek replied .They told stories to each other about their lives in a castle. As they arrived at Stephanie’s castle, he put her down and she walked to her ill parents and Prince Derek went back home . “Your back after a 5 hour walk!!” said her parents in an excited voice.
Stephanie explained her story about Prince Derek saving her.
The end

By Ana Clendon Park

The Freezing Cold Walk.

I felt the icy cold wind blowing through the school like a deck of cards getting blown around. It made me shiver from head to toe. I saw leaves falling from trees as the wind blew them in another direction. The smell of the tuck shop made me hungry as I walked onto the courts. Listening to the birds communicate with each other sounded like music. Standing in one spot made me wonder. Things keep coming to my mind like a race car racing on a race track. My heart was pounding like music co0ming out of a speaker. I was thinking about how to keep warm. It was just too cold but the sound of Miss Manuele’s voice saying, “all right now room 5 walk back to class quietly”.
I was relieved that we weren’t staying out there for another minute.

By Holeigh, Clendon Park


There is a place I’ve heard of not far from here
Where people have freakishly coloured hair

They are small and weird
Yet they have rainbow shaped beards

They think they’re cool
When they wear pants to school

People make them sick
When they are picking up sticks.

By Cheyenne, Alfriston School

Black poem

Black is the colour of the darkened sky
Black is the colour of the moon that died
Black is the colour of the burnt wood
Black is the colour of the tree that stood.

By Aimee, Alfriston School

Personification Poem

I am a book
Waiting for someone to read me
I am sick of people walking right past the shelf that I’m sitting on
I love to see people’s eyes going back and forth
Reading my story.

By Courtney, Alfriston School

School A-Z

Baseball bat bad memories
Cats all around the school
Dogs not welcome
Elephants “tut” no way
Freaky your first day
“Go” says my mum at ECCS
Hi, make new friends
Ink in your pen
Josh went to this school
Kick the ball for rugby
Lick the lollipop at lunch
“Moo” says the cow out on the field
No I don’t want to go to finishing room
Opps I did a mistake
Put that down
Quiet class NOW!
Rats, none to be found
Sammy, people call me
Taine is funny
University makes you smart
Violin you can learn to play it
Win you can do it
X-ray, I’ve had lots
You can finish your work
Zebra – no entry

By Samantha, Alfriston School

Best Friends

I have two best friends
Ella and Chloe
Ella is cool
And Chloe is funny!
They are really friendly
And nice to me
They give me presents occasionally
They turn my frown upside down
Every time I’m feeling down
We ride our bikes and hang together
Everyday forever and ever
My friends will always be there for me
And we will go on living happily!

By Paige, Alfriston School

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Biography - Walt Disney

Nearly every child in America or New Zealand has heard of Walt Disney or Maybe Mickey Mouse. His full name is Walter Elias Disney, and he was born in Chicago on December 5, 1901. Walt spent most of his youth on a farm near Marceline, when he was 16 years of age he studied art in Chicago, he continued to study until1920, where he joined the Kansas film ad company. Walt helped make advertisements for cartoons, but in 1923 he decided to move to Los Angeles to become a film producer or director. He was unable to find a job, so he returned to producing cartoons; his first studio was in the back end of a real estate office. Walt went through a tough time where he struggled to pay his expenses, until he struck success with the first cartoon to star Mickey Mouse; Disney himself performed the high-pitched voice of Mickey Mouse. Another Brilliant cartoon of his was “Flowers and Trees” this cartoon set a major milestone in cartooning history because it was the first cartoon to use full technicolour. From 1929-1939 he produced “Silly Symphonies”. It starred Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck and the rest of the gang. In 1937, he set another major milestone in cartooning history where he released the first ever fully animated feature film to be produced by a studio. After the war Disney decided to focus on his feature films, with real actors and animals. Sadly, Walt Disney died December 15, 1966, aged 65 but his memory will live on. Walt Disney became one of the most famous film producers of all time; and created some of the most lovable and ingenious characters of all time. This man should be loved and cherished in the memories of our childhoods.
by Joshua, Weymouth Intermediate

Thursday, July 30, 2009

The kite of Tamapahore

Long ago there was a lady named Rua Rangi. She had two sons named Tamapahore and Tamapahure. The two brothers had a kite contest in Manurewa and the whole village was watching. Eventually Tamapahore became the winner. In jealousy Tamapahure recited a karakia-kikino (bad omen prayer). After this had happened Tamapahore’s kite got tangled and he lost control. It drifted away high up into the sky. Tamapahore and some of his family searched and asked others if they had seen his kite. Finally, after a long time the kite was found at Pukekotaretare in Oahei. The district is now called Te-Whenua-Kitea-Te-Manu-o-Tamapahore meaning ‘WHERE THE KITE OF TAMAPAHORE WAS FOUND.’ This area is near Tauranga. Te-Manurewa is the area from which the kite of Tamapahore drifted.

By Taina, Year 5, Manurewa South

Rama's Tuna Time

One day I went fishing for tuna .
That day I caught a terrific slimy tuna. I put it in my kete.
I gathered wood and twigs and made a special place to smoke my tuna. I lit my fire, but it kept going out.
I got hoha and looked in my kete, but the Tuna was no longer there.
I wondered what was happening and what I had done wrong. I thought long and hard.
I realised I had not recited the karakia to Tangaroa and to Mahuika, Goddess of Fire. I then recited karakia to Tangaroa and Mahuika. I looked into my kete and WOW! My terrifically slimy tuna was there.
That night I smoked my tuna with no problems and had a good kai.
By Rama, Year 5, Manurewa South

Being Naturally Inquisitive

It was 1996 when the fire happened; approximately at around midnight, at Capstick Road. We rushed in our cars and vans and got ready to go see the scene.

When we got there, we heard sirens and noises of people crying and screaming to help them and their children. We saw the house on fire.

We got out of the van, got our cameras ready and shot the scene. It was terrible hearing people shouting out for help to save them.

Firefighters were trying to put out the fire, saving the parents and their children and helping them escape out of the house. Children were badly burnt and were rushed to hospital. It was painful seeing people getting hurt.

The people in their neighbourhood were devastated looking at their neighbour’s house on fire and losing their valuable belongings. The fire was an unforgettable tragedy that should have never happened.

Eventually, the fire was extinguished. People were standing there and could not believe that their neighbours’ house has been turned into ashes.

Months later the family recovered, and a new house was built. They did not know how the fire started. The owner said, “I am sure we turned off everything before they went to sleep.”

Gladly the family fully recovered from their ordeal and is enjoying their new home.

by Weymouth Intermediate


What’s fighting?
Well, fighting only causes more fights which creates a bad influence on younger viewers who follow their example.

In my opinion I think it’s to prove they are stronger than others or to prove that they can push others around. Fighting to them is to attract attention and to prove that fights are cool.

Well they not! So think to yourself - will fighting really solve my problems or will I cause more chaos?

So fighting won’t solve problems, whats the use of fighting when you’re going to get in trouble? Are you trying to act tough in front of your friends so you can join in the group?

But why is fighting so entertaining?

I think its because people who cheer on the fight record this on their phones and take it to show to friends and then stick it on to You Tube to show to the whole world, which can spread real fast like a virus. Then once others view it they will think it will be cool to fight.

How would you like it if you got smashed and got posted on You Tube?
Would you like to be recorded onto You Tube?

Well you wouldn’t, would you? Because if you saw yourself on You Tube, you would you want to delete it?

Well you couldn’t because there is one reason… Once you stick it on You Tube you can’t go back! It is like a virus that can’t be cured.

So keep these questions in mind
Will fighting really solve my problems?
Would you like it if you got put on You Tube?
Does fighting ever solve problems and chaos.

My opinion is that fighting won’t solve problems but discussing it in a gentle manner will be helpful. So why fight when you can just talk about it?
By Niome, Weymouth Intermediate